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November 4, 2013
How to Optimize Laptop Performance?
Laptop computers are built to be the most powerful battery-powered computing devices. Each year laptop computers become faster and more powerful--but due to space and heat concerns, most laptops simply can't be equipped with the fastest parts. As a result, laptops often don't have the computing power of their desktop counterparts. Computers advance quickly, so your old laptop will have trouble running newer programs after only a year or two. Not to worry, laptop performance is easy to optimize.
Remove old programs. Under the Start menu, click on "Control Panel" and select the "Add/Remove Programs" option. Microsoft created virtual memory that uses free hard drive space to simulate RAM when your computer is running low on memory. Free up hard drive space so your computer can make use of its virtual memory feature.
Reduce start-up processes. Computer programs that you rarely use may be running in the background and sucking computer power. Disable these programs by typing "msconfig" in the search box of the Start menu. Under the "Startup" tab, uncheck programs you don't often use.
Upgrade your computer RAM. RAM, in combination with your computer processor, works to determine load times and how quickly your computer can work. You can't easily upgrade the processor, but upgrading the RAM is simple. Remove the access panels on the back of your computer and locate the RAM. Switch your RAM out for any manufacturer-approved upgrade.
Run Disk Defragmenter. Wise Disk Cleaner works to piece together broken or fragmented parts of your hard drive, so your computer can run faster.
Remove old programs. Under the Start menu, click on "Control Panel" and select the "Add/Remove Programs" option. Microsoft created virtual memory that uses free hard drive space to simulate RAM when your computer is running low on memory. Free up hard drive space so your computer can make use of its virtual memory feature.
Reduce start-up processes. Computer programs that you rarely use may be running in the background and sucking computer power. Disable these programs by typing "msconfig" in the search box of the Start menu. Under the "Startup" tab, uncheck programs you don't often use.
Upgrade your computer RAM. RAM, in combination with your computer processor, works to determine load times and how quickly your computer can work. You can't easily upgrade the processor, but upgrading the RAM is simple. Remove the access panels on the back of your computer and locate the RAM. Switch your RAM out for any manufacturer-approved upgrade.
Run Disk Defragmenter. Wise Disk Cleaner works to piece together broken or fragmented parts of your hard drive, so your computer can run faster.