Trang chủ > Cơ Sở Kiến Thức > How to Disable Touchscreen Keyboard in Windows 8.1Permanently?
December 5, 2014
How to Disable Touchscreen Keyboard in Windows 8.1Permanently?
In this article, I will show you how to permanently disable the touchscreen keyboard from within the Windows 8.1 system, for users of touchscreen laptops with physical keyboards (so will never need the on-screen touch keyboard):
Open Explorer
1. Tap "This PC" in left column
2. Tap "Computer" tab
3. Tap "Manage" on upper right
Then in column on left:
1. Tap "Computers"
2. Tap "Computer Management"
3. Double-Tap "Services and Application"
4. Double-Tap "Services"
5. Scroll down to "Touch Keyboard and..."
6. Tap "Turn off" on upper left
Then in far right column:
1. Tap "More Actions" under "Keyboard"
2. Tap "Properties"
3. Next to "Startup type:" select "disabled"
Then restart your computer to make sure the touch keyboard really was disabled.
Open Explorer
1. Tap "This PC" in left column
2. Tap "Computer" tab
3. Tap "Manage" on upper right
Then in column on left:
1. Tap "Computers"
2. Tap "Computer Management"
3. Double-Tap "Services and Application"
4. Double-Tap "Services"
5. Scroll down to "Touch Keyboard and..."
6. Tap "Turn off" on upper left
Then in far right column:
1. Tap "More Actions" under "Keyboard"
2. Tap "Properties"
3. Next to "Startup type:" select "disabled"
Then restart your computer to make sure the touch keyboard really was disabled.