Trang chủ > Cơ Sở Kiến Thức > How to Fix Files Access Denied Error in Windows 7 ?
April 29, 2014
How to Fix Files Access Denied Error in Windows 7 ?
Do you know what causes Files Access Denied error when you run as administrator to open or change files in your Windows operating system? Normally, this problem often happens after you reinstall the Windows. In some cases, you also encounter this problem when you just try to move a file from one folder to another. Another possibility is that to improve the security, system even denies administrators access to some files. What do you do to access these restricted files and folders? It is necessary for you to give your account rights and ownership to perform this action. Here is a method you can try.
Step One:
In order to control system folders completely, you need to make modifications to ownership in your PC. This is because that only the owner has the right to assign the permission for different users.
1. Right click a certain file or folder randomly, and select Properties.
2. In the Security tab, click Advanced button to make changes for special permission.
3. In a new dialog window, hit Owner tab and click Edit button.
4. Select the current user or Administrators, and then click Replace owner on subcontainers and objects check box, click OK button.
Step Two:
To make sure that you have an absolute authority to control your PC, you also need to change permission in your system.
1. Right click a file or folder and select Properties. Move to Security tab, click Edit and selectUsers.
2. And then look at Permissions for users, tick the Full control checkbox and click OK.
When all steps are completed, you can open, change or delete some restricted files and folders.
Step One:
In order to control system folders completely, you need to make modifications to ownership in your PC. This is because that only the owner has the right to assign the permission for different users.
1. Right click a certain file or folder randomly, and select Properties.
2. In the Security tab, click Advanced button to make changes for special permission.
3. In a new dialog window, hit Owner tab and click Edit button.
4. Select the current user or Administrators, and then click Replace owner on subcontainers and objects check box, click OK button.
Step Two:
To make sure that you have an absolute authority to control your PC, you also need to change permission in your system.
1. Right click a file or folder and select Properties. Move to Security tab, click Edit and selectUsers.
2. And then look at Permissions for users, tick the Full control checkbox and click OK.
When all steps are completed, you can open, change or delete some restricted files and folders.